Tuesday 14 December 2010

Lecture 8 - The Emergence of the Modern World

Out of all the lectures so far I found this one the hardest. Firstly we learnt how the world was understood over the years. As in, how the world was drawn out by geologists/scientists over the millennium. This covered the various different theories and versions of how the globe was drawn out.
We also looked at how people preserved human bodies to study them. As well as display them. 
We also looked at other discoveries by Charles Darwin (Evolution) and Leonardo Da Vinci (Human body).

The point of this lecture was to look back on how people made these discoveries and it didn't take one theory to get the answer it took several, such as the world. Going back to an older lecture + blog entry I covered how the world can't be defined in one way but in several, which is the same as this, it took many theories to get an image of the globe.

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